Catching My Breath

Wow! What an interesting, blazing by, can't believe that just happened month, we have experienced. It has all gone by so fast, I at some times wonder if I am waking up from a dream. So, thanks for being along for the journey.
So, to catch you up. We have been working day and night to finish the barn so we could move in prior to our deadline of June 30th. I will admit, there were days I wondered if it would happen, like:
The day I needed the trim guy to come do his part, but had to tell him up front there was no money to pay him. Amazingly, he came out anyway and God provided for his work before he was finished.
Or the days we needed to get the caulking, painting, and floors done and I wondered if my body would actually move when I got back up. Yet God provided strength for each and every day.
Or the day we had to make the decision that I would build a Kitchen sink from a pinterest picture and our kitchen island. To preface, I have no training in this area of life and wondered if I could actually do it. Thankfully, my days of helping the trim guy showed me some tips and my father in law had also taught me some things prior to his passing, and when it was over, they turned out well enough to make my wife smile!
Then there was the wondering if the plumbing, electrical would be finished in time for the final inspection so we could move in. A whole week was lost waiting on the electrical inspector to do the service release, only to find out he was sick and our paperwork had been lost. To my amazement, another inspector showed up on a Saturday and gave us a go ahead and told us a few things to change. Long story short, the day before we were required to move, the county passed it for the Certificate of Occupancy and the State Electrical Inspector did our final. God loves to test our trust in Him, and He always comes through.
Needless to say, we are now moved in and God has continued to show up and show off. We were in need of a kitchen stove and someone called and offered to get one for us. Then the washer and dryer we had purchased both failed to work and we needed a new set, with no money to buy one. Again, someone heard and a set was delivered to our house this past Sunday.
Why, you may ask, do I share these little stories? Simple, I want God's people to know that God still answers prayers. Even prayers of tired, worn out, I forgot to pray this morning children of His. He is a loving, patient, and ever kind King of His people!
Please keep praying as God opens more doors for shining His Good News and for work. It has been interesting getting back into a "normal" routine after months of nothing feeling normal. We also have been asked to come speak at a youth camp in August, so pray for that.
Thanks for being our family and may God richly bless you. Lay down before your King, The Good Shepherd, and let Him show you His love even when your life feels like chaos!