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Update: 12/14/17

Hey, good evening! I pray and hope you are doing well. As Paul loved to say, I cannot stop giving thanks for you and your love for our Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ. I pray that God will bless you with the Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding so you may know him more fully! (Ephesians 5)

So I missed last week (maybe two) with updates. This past week I was honored to be in San Fransisco with a group known as "We Are Church," which is what God has started through Francis Chan. I was a part of a four day event known as "Church Intensive." I joined 6 other brothers in Christ and we met in intense times of prayer, praise, and dialogue, looking into God's Word and asking what it is God is asking of us. Although I was not able to meet Francis personally, I was blessed to meet someone much greater than him. I was also blessed to meet some amazing brothers and sisters in Christ who give of themselves to live the gospel on the streets and in the neighborhoods of San Fransisco. We also met and shared the Gospel with many who lived in the streets or in some very ignored and despised parts of San Fransisco. Please join me in prayer for Francis, his elders, the pastors, and people there seeking to reach the despised and rejected of San Fransisco with the Good News of Jesus Christ and his amazing gift for them!

Here at home, things have been extremely busy lately in all areas of life. Real Estate has me hopping, which is a huge blessing for winter time, as it is usually slow. God has blessed me to work with an amazing family on a big project here and it has been a blessing for our home. We have watched God answer several of our prayers which have been on our hearts and lips for awhile now. A small story among them is my prayer to buy a particular piece of equipment for the farm and a bull for our cows. Both have been answered this week.

Our oldest daughters schedule at school and with managing the girls basketball team have had us hopping. We are thrilled she is enjoying it and that God is making a way for her to be used. Keep her in her prayers, that she will be a bold light in the midst of a very religious, tradition driven, school. Many times, the greatest need for a light for Jesus is in the place the most information about Jesus is known as our hearts can tend to grow cold with the amazement of what He has done for us. May we never become so familiar with the details about Jesus that we forget to Enjoy Him!

Our other kids are working hard, as is Katie, getting through another year of home schooling. Raygan has become very self sufficient in her school work, excelling in her work. Her greatest struggle is not having her sister home for companionship when school is over. Lift her up if you happen to remember. Sometimes she gets lonely and it shows. The boys are amazing me every day with their quick learning skills. Both still desire to grow up and be a Ninja and Agent of Smash for God, using truth to defeat the Enemy.

The sheep are doing great and lambs are expected soon. Stay tuned for the arrival of the next crop of lambs here at the farm.

I have a trip and speaking engagement coming up in January. Please be in prayer as God leads the way. Pray He perfects in my heart what he wants my mouth to say. Pray the Holy Spirit takes simple words and brings life through them to encourage others to stay close to His feet, so others may see them Enjoying their Shepherd and will follow them to his feet as well.

May God bless you with the smile of His face and May He be WITH you!



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