The Next Step Forward

George's life story left a huge imprint on my life. In many ways I felt as if I had met my brother in both Spirit and heart. First, we both felt debt was a grievous burden. We desired to live our lives on faith in God alone. We desired for people to know that whatever happened in our lives, it was God and God alone who deserved the glory. I was envigerated by his story to follow the things I felt Father leading me to do.
Now remember, my wife and I were in a place we felt hopeless and lost. We were "stuck" in our minds and we wanted freedom more than anything else. After reading George's story and sharing it point by point with my wife, we followed his example, we began to pray. We asked God to rsecue us and we laid our desires at his feet and his feet alone. We began to pray specific prayers and waited on Him for his answer.
We prayed for financial freedom from the current debt we were in. We began to ask for a place if our own paid for in full. More specifically, we desired a small farm and a place we could continue to raise our sheep and a few cows. I need a newer vehicle, so we asked for it.
Almost immediately God began to work. Some things started happening in my work that opened up some doors. Within 45 days he had paid off our current debt of over $40,000. All in ways we could have never expected or took credit for. We began to feel a since of hope.
Then it happened........
Our oldest daughter began to complain of tooth pains. She had been dealing with it for awhile, but it was now getting serious. When we went to the dentist, the worst of our fears for her situation were confirmed. Every possible bad trait we could have given her dental wise, she had. One permanent molar was in need of being pulled ASAP. She also needed braces as some of her permanent eye teeth were compacted. All in total, $7,000 was needed to do the work. Our only problem is we were $7,000 short of that amount.
Just when things seemed they were going in the right direction, it suddenly felt as if we had been blasted back to the bottom of the pit. Our only resort in this situation was to pray. So prayed we did......