Prayer Request
As much as I hate to admit it, I cannot do my work alone. I love to think I can be like Rambo, or some super hero who can handle...

Check the Mail.
This Monday started off like most weeks do. Off to work, well, actually a continuing education class for me. I needed some hours for my...

Give Me a Week
Last week started off like the rest have lately. A week was ahead and there was a lot of uncertainties in our path. The main one of...

Prevailing Winds
Psalm 78:26 I wanted to share another answer to prayer. We MUST believe and trust God. Katie and I are trying our best to have an...

His Lunch Was Good! #GodProvides
Today, 4/25/16, I got to see God at work again! I only share these little stories because I want the people of God and the world to know...

Did Jesus and God Really Mean It?
You know I spoke last about "Do I Really Believe". When God or Jesus said something in the Bible, do I really believe it, or do I simply...

Do I REALLY Believe?
This past week / weekend, it has been interesting the conversations I have been a part of. It never ceases to amaze me what God is doing...

Truthfully: Jesus is NOT All I Need!
I know this may sound a little off color, but bear with me on this one. I have been wrestling with this one for a bit now, and still have...

Dear Church, I Apologize.....
For the past two weeks, my family has attended church services for the first time in 8 years. My two young boys have not even known what...

Where Sin Feels Safe!
Warning: This article may go against the main stream thinking in the Church today. I cringe every time I hear someone say, "We want our...