Enjoy the Shepherd: Update 11/10/17

Yes, it has been another exciting week here at Namrac Farms. God continues to amaze us and bless us with his kindness. Every day is a gift God has given us.
God has allowed several "tough" situations to arise recently which have allowed us to draw in closer to Him. These situations allow us to live what we are preaching. They are also allowing us to learn more fully who we are in Christ Jesus.
I have just finished reading two books simultaneously. One is "Draw the Circle" by Mark Batterson and the other "Living Waters" by Brother Yun. Both were powerful words with a singular message. "Turn your eyes to God, pray, and watch with expectant eyes for His answer." God has been working deeply in my life regarding my need to learn how to pray for over a year (slow learner, like Susie Q). However, He has been patiently drawing me closer and I am excited about how He is teaching me.
One of the greatest lessons has been learning to pray Scripture. Using Scripture as the foundation of our prayer. Also the lesson of wrestling, fighting, against the Enemy in prayer. Realizing the visual circumstances of this life are a reflection of a more intense battle in the Spiritual Realm. A battle we have been given the honor and privilege to be engaged in through prayer!
There are several "big things" on my heart to share coming up. One is a lesson we learned this past Summer at youth camp in something Hailey (red head daughter) experienced. Another is something God has put on my heart for awhile, but just now seems to be coming to fruition. Lastly, I started this past spring on a video series called "Enjoying the Shepherd Like Jesus." It was intended to be an 8 week study series with 20 minute videos. However, after number 6, I ran into some personal head struggles on finishing it. Now, seems like God is reopening that door.
Lastly, the words "Be the One" have again surfaced to the top in my life. God literally is teaching me that in order to lead people to his feet in prayer, the word, and walking through life, I have to be willing to live at his feet. It is not in the teaching and the preaching, but in the living that others will follow. Something I will discuss more later.
We are also excited to announce we have opened up orders on the website, EnjoyTheShepherd.com/shop, for hoodies, sweatshirts, and long sleeve t shirts through Nov 30th. The idea was to allow for ordering for Christmas gifts along with the devotional books and children's books. We would be honored if you dropped by and visited us there.
After finishing the children's book, I have a brain load of ideas of stories I would like to write for kids, children, and even a few book ideas for adults. The issue is simply this: Does God want these done? The answer to that question is vital before we start any of them as it is crucial to remain close to him. Projects like these are time consuming and require dedication of resources. And although I would love to do them all, I also have to remember my responsibility to be a provider by accomplishing my work as an Auctioneer and Realtor as well, which are also time consuming and require resources. Not to mention being a husband and father here at home. Therefore I would covet your prayers regarding His clear direction and His desire for these ideas in my head.
Lastly, I have two trips coming up. One to go to San Francisco for training and renewing with other brothers in Christ. The other is in January to a Discipleship Conference where I hope to be fed, but also have been asked to prepare to share about shepherding with the other pastors and ministers who will be in attendance. So please pray.
Thanks for your time today and I pray you are blessed by God and take time to Enjoy The Shepherd.